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Hi allI am trying to test and implement a multicast LoRa network using the STM32WL.I have been going through the thread:
Hi All, Currently S2-LP only supports down to 433MHz, would it be possible to use a lower frequency crystal to achieve a lower frequency such as 403MHz?Thanks!Xarion
Can someone tell me why the need to put the Receiver back in Receiver mode after getting a DATA_DISCARDED Interrupt, (many examples are using this), I'd like to only get interrupted when the preamble and sync bits match, I find it excessive (every fe...
Hi Guys, There is so little information and examples available on this device I hope this forum can help.In all examples I have seen the code has and EXTI for when the S2LP reports a data discarded, thereafter you need to re-issue the command to Star...
Posted on January 17, 2018 at 16:04Hi GuysI'm using and STM32L011 MCU with HAL library and RTC running on a WakeUpTimer of 60seconds.I enter stop mode in the following way:void gotosleep() {     __HAL_RCC_PWR_CLK_ENABLE();    HAL_PWREx_EnableUltraLo...