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When first programming a New STM32L431KC, it does not program or run unless mass erase is performed first.I use IAR and STLINK/V2From IAR, I try:a) Download program - uC does not run, even after resetb) Start debugging session - Does not execute code...
I have been using printf() to output to UART for many years on a STM32L052All these projects still compile and printf() to UART, no problem.I started a NEW project with CubeMX, but now printf() does NOT print to UART.I use the same int fputc(int ch, ...
MOOC FreeRTOS on STM32 v2 - 11a Context switching at 14:00, what is the WaveFroms program shown?Is it a Scope output, or some STM app,.Any help appreciated
FreeRTOS on STM32 v2 - 01a Preparation - LIVE labWhy does ITM_SendChar(message); print twice?'1' is printed twice every 500msAny help appreciated
How can I view / display table of variables in STM32CubeMonitor, as in STM Studio?Any help appreciated