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Hi,Because is quite frustrating debug from smartphone, there is a cooked firmware to transform the usb dongle in usb adapter? This could allow me to debug the characteristics from linux. Of course before to ask I already discovered the entirely sdk w...
Posted on June 16, 2018 at 20:16Hi,I'm a little bit confused about adc and vref.From reference manualThe internal voltage reference (VREFINT) provides a stable (bandgap) voltage output for theADC and Comparators. VREFINT is internally connected to t...
Posted on October 21, 2015 at 15:54 Hi, I'm working on a custom board, cpu :stm32f207zg on i2c2 there is an rtc - pcf2129 I started the project in STM32CubeMX, updated to the last version. Pins are pf0 and pf1, pin...
Posted on June 18, 2015 at 14:06Please fix the following bug, stm32l0xx_hal_gpio.c:259 V1.1.2--- temp &= ~((uint32_t)0x0F) << (4 * (position & 0x03));+++ temp &= ~( ((uint32_t)0x0F) << (4 * (position & 0x03)) );Thanks