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There's a bug in the standard MPU_AdjustRegionAddressSize which appears everywhere in the sample code. My reference is the H7RS, it's in the Template and virtually all examples: H7RS Github example The net result is that it's likely noncacheable regi...
The net effect of this bug is that the reference code (including the Templates for LRUN and XIP) never actually enable the Memory Protection Unit regions.See: stm32h7rsxx_hal_cortex.c Line 532 I believe the second "Disable the Region" should have bee...
I believe there's a bug in the stm32h7rsxx_hal_dma code for dealing with repeated blocks in interrupt mode. This bug probably exists in other STM32H7 devices as well.With a typical repeating transfer, in *NON* interrupt mode, the DMA transfer complet...
I've got an STM32H7RS, and am attempting to use HPDMA to do a memory-to-memory transfer where one side is the FMC.The transfer works perfectly if I use GPDMA.With the exact same code (just replacing the GPDMA handle with an HPDMA one) does not work (...
I cannot get OTG_HS to communicate with a USB host, and I'm out of ideas. Any help would be greatly appreciated.The problem:I've instrumented HAL_PCD_IRQHandler to print whenever an interrupt occurs. Right after USBD_Start, I get:0x800 (USBSUSP)0x100...
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