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Issue description as below:1. STM32F072+STM32CUBEMX+FREERTOS+I2C1 DMA2. I2C1 was set for rx DMA 2. I use HAL_I2C_Mem_Read_DMA() for external device memory reading and it retured HAL_OK,but no data written to DMA buffer , DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler fo...
Can failed to reinit after deinit. 1. Two cans was used for my projects which was generated by stm32cubemx 2. after run for a short while , I turn off both cans by HAL_CAN_DeInit 3. then I reinit both cans by MX_canx_init and found it failed in HAL_C...
1. stm32F105 + stm32cubemx2. project was created using freertos by stm32cubemx,no peripheral enabled,and config no use gpio as analog.3. mcu can go to stop mode normally before os started4. mcu wakeup for unknown reason when enter stop mode in defaul...