i have downloaded the developer package so the steps i followed for developer package wasi downloaded the MP1-DEV-x86 from st websiteFor x86_64 host architecture i Uncompressed the tarball file to get the SDK installation script. and Ran the SDK inst...
how to set up the meta-qt5 toolchain, cross compilation and Qt creator in order to deploy Qt applications to a target STM32MP157d-DK1 from a linux host machine.please give me step wise instruction on how to do
Qt runs on the ARM Cortex-A7 core, which operates under the Linux OS on the STM32MP157D-DK1.i have set up cross compilation in order to deploy Qt projects directly from a host Linux machine to the embedded target(stm32mp157d-dk1) using qtcreator.so u...
@Kevin HUBER @PatrickF @GaetanGodart how to integrate qt with stm32cubeide for stm32mp157d-dk1 (beause when a button is clicked in qt it has to write sine values to dac)