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  Dear Team, I am using an STM32F407VET6 controller with STM32CubeIDE and FreeRTOS. I’m encountering a problem with thread management in my application. Please find below an overview of my setup: Mutex: Used for UART communication.osTimer: Configured...
Dear team,I am facing an issue where my device disconnects and drops the ping whenever the master device tries to connect with RS-485 Devices. after some "request timeout" error the device goes into a hard fault.The application runs on  STM32F407VET6...
Hello Friends,I am looking forward to select the STM32 series micro-controller for my application i.e. STM32F407VET6 with Ethernet PHY interface of LAN8742a. I need to support the BACnet/IP on it. Can you confirm the below queries:1) Does ST have any...
Dear Team,we are going to develop an IO module series with digital Inputs/Outputs. We have developed previous all products using STM32F407VET6,100pins controller and for IO modules series we will be using ST controller only but rest components are ye...
Hello Team,I'm using STM32F401CCU6 Black Pill Board. I've used MCP3208 ADC from Microchip for my application. while interfacing with microcontroller, I'm unable to get readings for few test cases. as Vref is 5v and ADC is of 12bit resolution. I've te...
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