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 I now want to use the spi port of the stm32F407 series to collect data from the PDM microphone of mp34dt05. My SPI is set to the main device to only receive. There are SCK and MISO ports. The SCK clock is 2.25Mhz. MISO receives data, but I found tha...
我现在想用stm32F407系列的spi口来采集mp34dt05的PDM麦克风的数据,但是我发现我采集到的pdm数据流基本上不会因为我的环境变化而产生任何变化。你能详细告诉我spi是怎样的吗?要接收mp34dt05的数据,麦克风芯片mp34dt05有驱动文件吗?如果有的话可以发给我吗?感谢您的关注。Translated from Chinese to English: I am now trying to use the spi port of the stm32F407 series to c...
Hello, I am a student. I want to use I2S through STM32L051K8U6N to complete the acquisition of the MP34DT04 sensor, but I have not found any information about libPDMFilter_CM4F_Keil.lib, keil library and IAR library similar to this. If it is convenie...