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Folks, I have a device that installs into another product and provides SRAM for code execution for the other device.  The device my board plugs into has a fixed 500ms RESET generator that hold off the host device CPU for that much time.  During this ...
Folks,Once I had my SD card working, I went to add in the Formatting option. When I enabled the format SD Media option in the FileX config, it generates this below, even though my settings are set to FX_ENABLE_EXFAT.  Shouldn't this auto-generate the...
Folks, I started off with the H573i discovery board demo as reference for the MSC + SD card (with ThreadX). I don't have the Discovery board since in my application I needed those CC1, CC2 USBPD pins for something else.  So I ran a board of my own (u...
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