User Activity

Good morning everyone, I am trying to follow the example for machine learning given for the SensorTile Box
Hello everyone,I'm trying to use the sensortile box pro for an ML alghoritm.My idea is to have a machine learning algorithm that can identify two types of vibrations: correct and fault.Using the firmware loaded on the Sensortilebox Pro Datalog 2.1.1,...
Hello, I am experiencing significant challenges with programming the SensorTile Box Pro. I successfully loaded the base firmware STSW-MKBOXPRO Expert Mode v1.1.1 and managed to retrieve data from the accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and temper...
Hello everyone, I'm using a STEVAL-MKBOXPRO connected to an RPi3B+ to receive data via Bluetooth.The BLESensors code is integrated into Sensortile.I've tried two approaches and for now I'm stuck:Using the BlueSTSDK library, I've run ...
Hello everyone! It's my first time with the, and I'm still not clear on how to connect via Bluetooth. Inside my, I have the firmware STSW-MKBOXPRO V1.1.0, and from the ST BLE Sensor application, I'm able to see the box. ...
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