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Hi everyone,I’m working on an STM32C0 setup where TIM1 CH1 (Pin A) and UART RX (Pin B) are physically shorted together, and I’ve encountered some unexpected interrupt behavior. Specifically, the UART RXNE interrupt always triggers before the TIM1 Cap...
Hi, I've been using my custom board with the STM32C011G6 MCU as a control board. By customizing the JSON file on the power board, I've been able to generate a project through MC Workbench -> CubeMX -> CubeIDE, and the motor driver has been running we...
Hi,I am trying to understand the protocol, especially how to interpret the data packets to have custom code for auto motor ramp-up.I see there are some documents under MC workbench -> About. However, I still cannot find the details about the data pac...