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Hi!I have a working ethernet code on my STM3240G-EVAL Board with STM32F457IG MCU. By working i mean MCU responds my ping requests. I'm using FreeRTOS and of course LwIP. And now i want migrate to my own PCB with STM32F407ZG6 MCU. When I connect a DP8...
Posted on May 11, 2018 at 14:41Hi!I'm struggeling with hardware accelerated aes algorythim. Based on example project I've enabled CRC clock and initilzed the operation, by passing the key (AccHw_AES_CFB_Encrypt_Init(&, , )). After that I'm trying en...
Posted on March 26, 2016 at 22:57Hi!Is there any chance to supply external power supply to STM32F429I-DISC1? When I connect 5V to 5V pin nothing happens, except blinking LEDs from ST-LINK and display highlight. Maybe RESET is always active or someth...
Posted on October 22, 2015 at 21:55 Hi everyone. I must ask for help one more time. I've been tring do it on my own (using examples and my own functions), but nothing works. I'm want to read data from ACC, just one register, on my F3 disco...
Posted on September 06, 2015 at 11:09 Hi everyone. Few days ago I realized that my NVIC priorities don't work. I'm tring to use three different interrupts by timer, exti and SysTick. I guess when EXTI or SysTick have highest priority then TIM...