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Hello,i calculate an FFT with the STM32F401RE. It works fine so far. Here are the relevant code snippets:arm_rfft_q31(&S1, (q31_t*)fft_input_buf1, (q31_t*)fft_complex_buf1); //takes about 1760 µs   arm_cmplx_mag_q31((q31_t*)fft_complex_buf1, (q31_t*...
I try to setup a Nucleo144 STM32H7 board to appear in the overview of the USB devices of the device Manager of my windows PC. I tried the following:Setup USB-OTG-FS in Cube MX (Mode: Device only)In the generated code I add HAL_PCD_EP_Open(&hpcd_USB_O...
​Hello, I plan to power the µC of the Nucleo  -144 board with the 3v3 supply that is available on a t est PCB. I would connect +3v3 to pin 7 on CN8 and pin 16 of CN11.At the same time, I would like to use the ST-LinkV2 for programming of the µC and a...
Posted on November 01, 2014 at 18:32Hi Guys, I have written a handler for an external IR beeing executed on a STM32F107 controller. It looks like this: void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler(void) {     //TEST     GPIOE->BSRR = GPIO_Pin_9;    //set PE9   works fin...