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Hello,I am trying to continuously read a voltage from a single channel by using the onboard ADC of the STM32L562ZET6 on a custom PCB. All the relevant analog voltages of the ADC have expected values, i.e. VREF+ =  3V, AVDD = 3V VREF- = 0V, AVSS = 0V....
Hello! I am using the STM32F446RE Nucleo Board and succeeded in sending a signal chain via DMA to the GPIO Bank B, i.e. the BSRR register.  The DMA trigger works very fine. However, one of the 8 signals is missing/not generated/skipped... This is whe...
Hello, I am trying to write a routine, that takes an array of structures as input and sets the timer 1 parameters. This function is called after each overflow of timer 1. I turn off the respective channels, then set the parameters, as seen in the fol...
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