Hello,It might be easier to help you if you shared a snapshot of the following data structures:AEK_POW_BMS63CHAIN_fastMeas_t AEK_POW_BMS63CHAIN_fastDiag_tPlease, could you attach a txt file with structure field data?
Hi,Please could you share your code and your pheripheral configuration?Are you initializing (low level driver initialization) other peripherals besides the pit in your project? Have you enabled irqIsr ? int main(void) { componentsInit(); /* ...
Hi,probably you an issue with nested interrupt.Please, enable "Preemptable ISRs" option on "OSAL component RLA" and put in your CAN IRQ callback routine OsalEnterCritical() and OsalExitCritical() functions in order to disable interrupt during callbac...
Hi,following my suggestione:1) Set ISOFreq = 0 and after first spi sending switch to high frequency if needed.(Note: see pag. 11 of L9963T User Manual) 2) Set CPOL =0 and CPHA = 1 in case of NSLAVE = 0 (Note: see pag 26 of L9963T User Manual) 3) Make...
Hi, Could you share SPI parameters:- SPI frequency- CPOL CPHA (Rising - Falling)- etc...Morover, Have you tried with 5MHz spi frequency?JP7 is used only with AEK-POW-BMS63EN in order to manage Fault coming from daisy chain (Single or Dual access).If ...