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My project makes progress, see here: My question:When I set LPn low - is just the I2C disabled? Or would also an initiated ranging stop?In order to save power: is there a need to set via I2C th...
My three ToF sensors on a finger ring are working (using a Portenta C33). steps: train and realize gestures (and maybe visualize in Unity). So far, my sensors mounted on a finger ring (for RingGesture) is working (just...
I have compared my platforms using PDM microphones related to PDM to PCM and filtering:Platform 1:STM32H747 (Portenta H7), with SW PDM2PCM filter (and optional to add post-processing)Platform 2:STM32U5A5 with ADF filter (in MCU) or external PCMD3180 ...
This is more an experience report.I want to get audio from an INput source and forward to an OUTput sink. And both should stay in sync "forever" (I do not want to have a clock drift, I do not want to have the condition to skip a sample or to add one,...
Using STM32U5A5 MCU and adding the ADF example (taken from en.stm32cubeu5-v1-4-0\STM32Cube_FW_U5_V1.4.0\Projects\STM32U575I-EV\Examples\MDF\ADF_AudioRecorder) seems to work.I have changed to use the PLL3 and setup 3,072MHz as PDM MIC CLK (for 48KHz s...