I am reading this user manual UM2650. It is mentioning STUSB_BLOCKBaseAddress, but what is this STUSB_BLOCKBaseAddress. I do not find any reference to it explaining it.
Hi,On page 3 of document UM2650, it is stated that the bits B22...20 of DPM_SNK_PDO1_1 are reserved and set to zero. Why is the reset value 001b and not 000b. I assume DPM_SNK_PDO1_1 register contains B23....B16, right?Best regards,Peter
Hi,I am reading the document UM2650 as I intend to use the STUSB4500.Is not there a full description of the registers?It is no help to refer to the links of the above post.Thanks in advance.Best regards,Peter