User Activity

hello, I'm using a vl53l1cb satel board, but I'm not been able to get a reading greater than 4m (aprox).I'm using the vl53l1 zephyr RTOS driver, and I'm aware that the roi selection is different than the one of the UM2133, so I'm not selecting a spec...
Hello.I am working with a vl53l1x sensor and i need to know if this sensor report a distance when the target is not detected and the measurement is valid, like the vl53l3cx sensor that report back 8191. Does this sensor report the same number or othe...
Hello STM Community team:I'm working  with a vl53l3cx sensor on a custom board with zephyr rtos but i am not able to get a reading.To use the sensor I just modified the zephyr driver for the vl53l1x, on the .c file inside the driver I made the follow...
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