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I am using an STM32L562VET6Q.  My device contains both a (custom) bootloader and an application.  The bootloader jumps into the application by reading the address of the Reset_Handler from the application's ISR vector then branching to this address. ...
I am using an STM32L562VET6Q MCU.  I have been having issues getting a valid reading from the ADC.  The signal is essentially DC (i.e., no fast high frequency measurements) so I conservatively set the ADC sampling time to its maximum.  My reference v...
Our product uses an STM32L562VET6Q MCU.  We are using an ADC to measure current via a 1ohm resistor.  Because the currents are relatively small, I want to use the internal opamp in PGA mode to double the input signal before it is send to the ADC.  I ...
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