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Hello,I am using a custom board with the STM32L452RET. On this board:SPI1 is connected to an IIS3DWB accelerometer,SPI2 is connected to a 240x280 TFT display with an ST7789 controller and TouchGFX,SPI3 is used with FatFs to access an SD card, followi...
Hello,I am using a custom board with the STM32L452RET. On this board:SPI1 is connected to an IIS3DWB accelerometer,SPI2 is connected to a 240x280 TFT display with an ST7789 controller and TouchGFX,SPI3 is used with FatFs to access an SD card, followi...
Hi, Its my first post. Im trying a STM32L452 and IIS3dwb on SPI2 (SPI2_CLK on PB13). When I send the WHO_AM_I command, the SPI2_MOSI send only 0x0F instead 0x8F (0x0F OR 0x80). SPI2 setup is CPOL = High, CPHA = 2 Egde, 8 bits, MSB First, Baud Rate = ...