Posted on October 24, 2014 at 20:07Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to run a code on the stm32f4 board from an external flash like an sd card. Do I have to program a bootloader?Thanks
Posted on September 19, 2014 at 22:58
hello guys, I have a problem with the clock speed of my I2C bus, I want to have 100 hz of frequency but I am not able to reach it. That is my code
* @file Touch_Panel/main.c
* @author MCD Application Team...
Posted on August 18, 2014 at 18:11
Hi, I want to communicate with an i2c eeprom, I am able to send the first data but not the second.
it seems that the buffer is full or there is another error somewere. Does anyone have an idea?
Posted on August 07, 2014 at 12:50
hello, I want to send some data using spi but I see anything on my scope when I use this code.
does anyone know where is the problem?
#include <
#include ''stm32f0xx_rcc.h''
Posted on August 05, 2014 at 15:04
hello, I try to communicate with an eeprom and I was able to initialise I2C1, the eeprom acknoledges when I send the adress command and I am able to send data to the I2C but the data are not allways the same, s...
Posted on August 08, 2014 at 13:00
hello, this time, I am using an spi eeprom the 25AA Now my code works and I am able to see data on my logic analyser but the chip select doesn't work proprely : I am oblige to put a for() delay to get it workin...
Posted on August 04, 2014 at 11:35
Now, I have a problem with I2C_NumberOfBytesConfig. The eeprom acknoledge the start command and the first data is transmitted but not the second data and when I use I2C_GenerateSTOP, the start command is transm...
Posted on August 03, 2014 at 11:31It finally works!!! You were right, I entered a small mistake in the adress of the eeprom so it didn't acknoledge but I was shure that it was the right adress. Now I2C_SendData works.