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Posted on April 04, 2016 at 10:58When I load a webpage from  this module with some images (not so big and non so many) the module became slow and often kill the connection (timeout). I suppose this behavior came from the limited amount of RAM, as ev...
Posted on April 04, 2016 at 10:15Good morning to all,  I have a little problem with my module. After a filesystem update I send the command AT+CFUN=1 to reset the module. The module return OK, return ''+WIND:2:Reset'' but don't resect. Why?Stefano ...
Posted on March 30, 2016 at 10:48Good morning,  I have some problems regarding firmware update. When  I try to update firmware via serial link, I obtain this message:''Error sending message 0x31 to device'' as show also in the image: Someone can hel...
Posted on July 10, 2014 at 10:49Good morning,  I have some problems on I2C bus on STM32F1 micro. I have 8 prototipes board (all with the some mounting). 4 of those works fine and I can read and write the EEPROM on board (a 24xx series standard memor...