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Hello i have a design using the st25r3918 and I have the reader portion of the design up and running using the latest rfal 3.0.  The device we are designing also requires the reader to act as a tag.  We would prefer to do this in passive target mode ...
I am porting the rfal and ndef for an ST25R3918 to zephyr.  I have the rfal 3.0 working and i have ndef v1.0.4 i am getting errors for the ndef layer and was wondering if this is the correct ndef.  I can read the UUID with RFAL so i know i can commun...
Hello,I am trying to integrate the magnetic sensor data for the sensor_fusion_9x demo.  I am using the F401RE+1A3+LSM6DSO16IS and when I leave the jumpers as standard I get no mag and the demo runs.  I obviously get no mag data since the sensor hub i...