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Hello I'm acquiring data from an ISM330DLC per I2C, and I'm having several issues:-I probably have the config wrong several levels. For instance I have the Reg CTRL1_XL configured to 0x75, CTRL2_XL to 0x7C, CTRL8_XL to C8, CTRL7_G to 40, CTRL6_C to 0...
My setup is as follows: I have a NUCLEO-H563ZI with an STM32H563ZIT6 and I am communicating through I2C with the 6D IMU, ISM330DCL. Moreover the ISM330DCL is on the STEVAL-MKI182V2.My I2C-bus is very confusing. First I get everything set up exactly a...
I'm sending a simple string to with HAL_UART_Transmit()  "Hello", and when I look at the Input on my COM-Port there is nothing showing up, just a blank plain text site. Yes I am transmitting at the right baud rate 115200 and I don't have an extra par...
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