We placed a resistor temporarily to check if it would have an effect, but there is no dedicated place for such a resistor in the design.As we mentioned earlier, we produced 1500 units and delivered them to our customer. Some of them failed after a co...
As we mentioned before, we do not use any pull-down resistor in this circuit. For this series of MCUs, there are three options for BOOT configuration:BOOT0 pinBOOT_LOCK bit in the FLASH_SECR registerBoot configuration bits nBOOT1, BOOT_SEL, and nBOO...
Hi,I measured some test points on the frozen MCU and observed that some pins are behaving oddly, like this:1. NRST:2. MCU_TX:3. TP9/TP10the rest of the Test Points like TP11/12/13/14/15/16/17/19are low.
Yes, we utilize Stand-by mode.We're collaborating on the same product with @PLER.Understood, for running the code from Flash memory, the BOOT0 pin should be low.Considering this, there would be two questions:1. Is it possible to use the internal pull...