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Posted on May 05, 2015 at 09:27I have a simple project running on my STM324x9IEval Kit using external SDRAM and NOR Flash.The project run correctly when a use only SDRAM, &sharpdefine DATA_IN_ExtSDRAM is uncommented in system_stm32f4xx.c and my vars...
Posted on September 05, 2014 at 16:39Hi,I want to use external SDRAM for data in my project with FreeRTOS.But I want to keep stack and heap in internal SRAM.Actually I have two issues :1) If I use example from ST, stack and heap are placed in extern...
Posted on June 10, 2014 at 14:59Hi, I am searching what I need to add to my project in order to use HAL_SDRAM_Read_DMA. I don't know where and how to configure the DMA. There is only one example but it doesn't use the DMA. When I start a transfer, t...