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As apart of the BLE capabilities in our project, which runs on STM32WB55We want to allow pairing of new devices only when pressing a button.When the button is not pressed, we want to allow connections of only devices which are already bonded.From wha...
Trying to enable both USB and BLE at the same time I encountered difficultyThe USB failed to run.I encountered the following ticket: usb-device-does-not-work-when-starting-ble-stack-on-stm32wb55 which had an example attached to it.After trying severa...
I'm working on inserting the STM32WB55 into stop mode2 via the tickless idle for the FreeRTOSI saw that the SDK has an example for it: in the BLE_HeartRateFreeRTOS example for the nocleo wb55 I went over the code of the SDK and there was one line whi...