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I have a 32 bit pointer which saves a password passed through a function and this password is used to compare to the saved password that I have.uint32_t * password;#define PASSWORDC 0x3f44d112void pass_Init(uint32_t * pass) //pass is the address of ...
I am trying to flash a STM32L053 Nucleo using UART pins and so far, I pull boot 0 high by adding a jumper across boot 0 and VDDI power the controller with E5V optin and connecting an external poer supply to the E5v and GNDIf I connect the USB to the ...
hey,I went through all possible data sheets I could find did all the required things but my Nucleo still won’t be programmed with uart.I have put boot0 on VDD pin next to it. For confirmation I also put PB2 (nboot1) on ground next to it.I tried power...