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Posted on May 04, 2014 at 16:44I have an ISR, in which a DMA transfer will take place when the ISR is running. Although DMA transfer does not occupy CPU's running time, but occupies the Data bus. So will the DMA's existence lengthen the ISR's execut...
Posted on April 27, 2014 at 03:25The picture is the wave form of STM32F429 osc_out pin,The low level is not 0V, but is 1.24V,  Why the sine wave's value of peak to peak is 1.04V. Is it correct? 
Posted on April 14, 2014 at 11:33I am now using a Cortext-M3 chip(STM32F) to control Stepping Motor in an industrial equipment (Only generating pulses and direction signal to send to a stepper driver). Its maximum frequency is 72MHz so I can't add m...
Posted on April 13, 2014 at 03:03I got several lines of code in TIM1_CC_IRQHandler and need to know its exact running time because some real-time requirements.So when I run simulation I got a time span between the entrance and the exit of the ISR. I...
Posted on April 12, 2014 at 13:26I am using STM32F103 and its Referrence Manual(RM0008) said that TIM1_DMAR's default value is 0. BUT when I connected the hardware and debugging with JLink, I found that TIM1_DMAR is always 1. And I never set it.AND ...