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Inquiries regarding spiritDSP.We are implementing mp3 with DAC DMA using SpiritDSP.The time to play depends on the samplerate and bitrate of the mp3 file.The original time is 3 minutes and 10 seconds,The playback time is different as shown below.The ...
I am using a bootloader as STM32F405.Before Jump_to_application(), I want to keep the GPIO status in API, but what should I do?After the GPIO PIN is output "high" from the current boot firmware, it runs the jump_to_application().The parameters are in...
I am using STM8L052C6T6.Current MCU knows that EEPROM is 256Bytes (0x1000 ~ 0x10FF).What happens if you use more than 0x10FF to put data in the reserved area address?If you do so, will the value of 0x1100 be put in 0x1000?And what happens if the MCU'...