Hi ,I integrated st25dv64kc nfc tag into stm32 board. I have to store a serial number permanently in NFC EEPROM user area. It should not be erased in RF write and I2c Write. I used NDEF format . Is it possible to store text permanently ?
Hi Lebon,Thank you for your quick reply.Please find the below link of NFC app which I am using.https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wakdev.wdnfc&hl=en&gl=US&pli=1When you read memory at I2C address 800h from I2C interface, is your data c...
Hi ,I have configured 2 User memory areas.User memory as seen by i2c byte Addressing isArea 1 = 0000h - 07FFhArea 2 = 800h - 1FFFhI wrote my permanent data in location 800 h (starting location of Area2). Then I read the entire memory using ...
Hi JL.Lebon,Thank you for your Reply.I could write NDEF data in Area1 and permanent data in Area2.It was working. But I am not able to view the data using the NFC Mobile App tool.Is it possible to read both NDEF and raw data using NFC reader ?Regard...
Hello,Thank you for your reply.Here I am using the NDEF library. I have to store a 32 byte ID in memory 1 area. In the ndef library format we first write ccFile(ccfile length is 8 bytes). Then text data is written with that offset (0x0008). Suppose...