User Activity

Hi, I have a Problem with the NUCLEO-L476RG.I tried to activate USART2.Sending a single Char to a Terminal Programm like Putty or HTERM. I took the guide from the reference Manual on Page 1341. But it wont work.#include "stm32l4xx.h" #include "stm32l...
Hello,i want to turn the Green USER LED on. #include "stm32l4xx.h" #include "stm32l4xx_nucleo.h" int main(void) { RCC->AHB2ENR |= RCC_AHB2ENR_GPIOAEN; GPIOA->MODER |= GPIO_MODER_MODER5_0; GPIOA->ODR |= GPIO_ODR_OD5; }So i activated the cl...
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