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Hi,I'm the firmware guy on a project using the VL6180X to detect a person walking up to a machine, and reaching towards it. I have boards here with our processor (MSP430 family) running other parts of the system and it's time to get the VL6180X runni...
I need to run a while LED (output voltage range from 2.5-4.5v 4A surge, 3A steady state) from a battery source that can range from 3v to 6.4v in. So it's a buck-boost. I haven't been able to find a buck-boost that has a Vin higher than 5, with an abs...
We have been using the LED2000 and LED2001 for years with great success. We have a new design where it is possible that the LED loading the output can be disconnected during operation. The LED would be running around 1.5A. That would result in a swit...