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Hello allI have a custom STM32L496RGTx-based board onto which I'm migrating a legacy rendering engine. I'd really like to accelerate text rendering and I'm looking into DMA2D for a4 format font data.I have a little test setup which attempts to popula...
Hello,I have a very simple compass application which needs to poll the magnetometer, accelerometer and gyroscope roughly every 500mS (the board itself has no interrupt lines connected to the lsm9ds1), with the option of powering down for extended per...
I'm having serious problems with the ADCI have the voltage I'm reading going through a 47K/100K voltage divider which feeds into an op-amp configured with a gain of 1 and then to ADC1Ch15 on PB0. VSSA is supplied from an external precision voltage re...
Hello allI have a custom STM32L496RGT3 based board which I've configure to run at 64MHz off the HSI using CubeIDE:void SystemClock_Config(void) { RCC_OscInitTypeDef RCC_OscInitStruct = {0}; RCC_ClkInitTypeDef RCC_ClkInitStruct = {0};   /** Conf...
Hello all,I have a device connected to a stm32l496rg on a custom via uart.At system startup, the remote uart may or may not have hardware flow control enabled, so what I want to do is configure the MCU UART for no hardware flow control and put the RT...