It seems I misunderstood the answer from @albert2, saying the "The HAL lib doesn't mask the bit fields before writing the data to the RTC registers".For me it was some HAL Lib problem.If the solution is just to initialize ALL struct members than it ...
How can we address this topic to the ST HAL development team? A correction could be implemented directly in the HAL code.I see there are other HAL structs, for ADC, UART, I2C... Is this initialization issue also present in those structs?Thank you,Iar...
Yes the sDate and sTime variables are local. My application uses FreeRTOS and these variables are declared outside the forever loop. In this case I understand the initialization is called only once, right?That is the reason I am adding the parameters...
Hello @albert2,Thanks for your tip! I am suffering with this issue as well.In my original code this was already done during struct declaration, but it runs only once:RTC_TimeTypeDef sTime = {0};RTC_DateTypeDef sDate = {0};Now I have to initialize al...