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Hi all. I am having an issue with HAL_SPI_TransmitReceive routine under STM32H743. I am using STM32CubeIDE ver 1.10.1. In our setup for STM32H743, it is bare metal (no RTOS). The SPI is in Slave mode. In particular, I am using SPI4 as follows:Mode: S...
Greetings. I am having an issue with SPI communication Note: In my case, under STM32H743, with SPI4 used as "Full-Duplex Slave" and "Hardware NSS Input Signal". The SPI4 pins used are PE11 (SPI4_NSS), PE12 (SPI4_SCK), PE13 (SPI4_MISO), and PE14 (S...
I have written a Custom Bootloader for STM32H743. It resides at 0x08000000 (Sector 0) and occupies for a maximum of 1 sector (128KB). The main application resides at 0x08040000 (Sector 1 thru sector 7). Upon reset, Custom Bootloader starts and chec...
I am porting code from STM32L4R5 (STM32L4R5VIT6) to STM32H743 (STM32H743VIT6). All the porting has gone well except for the last part being Bootloader. We use Boot0 pin Grounded and request to go to bootloader within the application. I should also me...