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I am wondering if there is any application of stm32wb5x_rfmonitor_phy802_15_4fw.bin ​wireless coprocessor binary file. Please provide some details about this binary. Thanks in advance
I can see some of the devices like nrf52840 can be used as ble sniffer and integration with wireshark has been created. May i know if i can use STM32WB55 as BLE sniffer?. ​
I am trying to use STM32W55RG as BLE client in FREERTOS CMSIS V2. But it seems that its not allowed. May i know the reason behind this? I attached the error image in this message. I also observed that Sequencer is also not available in FREERTOS. Can ...
I have successfully configuration P-NULCEO-WB55 as central(beacon observer) device using \STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.4.0\Projects\P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo\Applications\BLE\BLE_p2pClient example. ACI_GAP_START_GENERAL_DISCOVERY_PROC event ends after 10 seconds...
I want to use MB1293c (STM32WB55CG) as BLE beacon to broadcast a ibeacon frame continuously at every second.
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