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I want to test ADC-DMA function on STM32H757 i-EVAL Board. But the result is DMA transfer error. I just copy the example code of STM32Cube --- STM32H743I-EVAL\Examples\ADC\ADC_DMA_Transfer to my STM32H757 project.When execute the code, it occurs onl...
My IDE is SW4STM32. The board is STM32H757 I-EVAL. I download STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0 to start development. I have read the document UM2204 "Getting started with STM32CubeH7 for STM32H7 Series" but I still can't develop my own application through Temp...
Hi, I use STM32H757I-EVAL Evaluation board to start my development. The IDE is SW4STM32. I download STM32Cube_FW_H7_V1.5.0 and test the example code GPIO_EXTI. The power is from mains electricity and the USB is for programming and debugging only. ...