Posted on August 05, 2016 at 10:53hi,I just found that clock devider not work for some Frequency, for example if PLL is used without divider, Timer clock cant be devided. EnjoyAll the best, #stm32 #timer #interrupt
Posted on January 27, 2014 at 13:42Hi,I have problem with SPI3 and st-link debugger. CLK pin is always unaveilable.I configure MCU to not use JTDO but in debug mode when I look at AFIO register there is written some other value for SWJ_CFG(always 0x...
Hello, I have a related question.After wake-up by RTC, I want to set time again if it drifted from accurate values. But when I try to set new time it returns error.So how to set new time values after reset?
Hello,The same problem is with STM32L476 but that one doesn't have RTC_SCR register...So a different solution must be found. Does anyone had similar problem?Best regards,Miroslav
OK, I was totally wrong. It was not RX but TX. Interrupt routine confused me.So, RX is always in interrupt because inversion actually didn't happen at all. Logic one on RX keeps it in receive interrupt. TX is low as no transmit occur. It means that T...