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Hi All,I am working with the STM32WL55 MCU in a project-based between Generic Node and MB1389 (Nucleo board). my code is using Lorawan_End_Node.Everything seems to be working well but the radio part is not transmitting (checking it with AIRSPY an a S...
Hi All,I have implemented EEPROM Emul Middleware in STM32WL project ( in lieu of writing directly in FLA...
Hi, I need some help trying to undestand this operation in Lorawan_end_node example projectnvm_size = ( ( sizeof( LoRaMacNvmData_t ) + 7 ) & ~0x07 ); in the code below:Maybe it is so simple, but i thought that it would be something like that nvm_siz...
Hello,I am developing my own project based on Lorawan_end_node project, i have some doubts regarding to memory addressing. In linker file:/* Memories definition */ MEMORY { RAM1 (xrw) : ORIGIN = 0x20000000, LENGTH = 32K NVM_RAM (rw) : ORIGI...
I have developed a device that joins lorawan in OTAA mode. I am testing the device and i am having some problems with conectivity.Device joined succesfully to Lorawan Network Server, i saved the NVM Lorawan context and i reset the device, after reset...