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Hi all,i am using stm32f3 discovery EV kit, i am using stand by mode for deep sleep, but it is not wake up from sleep mode.i configured sys_wkup1 (PA0) and it is connected push button.i am re intialize i/o port and toggling one led after wake up from...
Hi All,I am using STM32F301k8 for my remote project. I am using HSI clock source, I am enable one i/o interrupt and using UART1. for sleep i am using STOP mode by following functions.HAL_UART_DeInit(&huart1);   __HAL_RCC_USART1_CLK_DISABLE();HAL_Susp...
I am having a communication problem with MAX485 ic. I am trying to change Ic receiving mode to transmit mode by using 'PB4' pin and i am using UART1 , SWIM pin as a Transmitter. in some controllers i am unable control pin in the middle working. I am ...
Hi All,I am using stm8s001j3 controller, PA1 and PA3 are using as a UART communication by using Remapping. i am able to send the data but unable to receive data. UART configuration is   GPIO_DeInit(GPIOD);GPIO_Init(GPIOD, GPIO_PIN_6, GPIO_MODE_IN_PU_...
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