User Activity

Hello, i am using an stm32mp1-dk2 board. For using fw_printenv and other uboot tools from user space one must define a "/etc/fw_env.config" file. I can see that the "/uboot.env" file is driectly saved under the root "/" and so i defined the "fw_env.c...
Hello,i use STM32mpu1-dk2 and want to implement an update over the air mechanism. For that i would duplicate all partitions from fsbl to u-boot, that meansfsbl, teeh, teed, teep, u-boot.Now i would like to know how one can tell TF-A which partion sho...
Which setting do i need? right now i try to build u-boot as debian package with follwoing settings:dpkg-buildpackage -a armAt the begining of the compilation i get following error:dpkg-architecture: warning: specified GNU system type arm-linux-gnu do...
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