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Hi all, I am looking for two voltage references to produce two rails ( positive and negative) with low frequency noise.The voltage reference does not need to have a tight output voltage accuracy and long term precision. It needs to be stable over a 1...
Hello,I would like top know if twop LDL212DR regulators can be used in parallel as below. Do you recommend a power pad if I have a 12V ionput and a 6V 150mA output?best regards
Hello I am using nucleo G031K8 with STM32 cube ide and I am trying to initialize the SPI1 peripheral with registers.Here is my init code and the corresponding wrong registers. The RCC and GPIO registers are fine. Only SPI1 registers are wrongHow can ...
void TIM14_init(void){ RCC->APBENR2|=(1<<15); TIM14->PSC= 31; TIM14->SR=0; TIM14->CNT=0; TIM14->EGR|=(1<<0); } void TIM14_delay_us (int delay_us){ TIM14->ARR = delay_us; TIM14->CR1|= (1<<0); // counter enabled while (!((TIM14->SR)&1)); // wai...
Hi,I am using the serial wire debug SWDIO and SWCLK on PA13 and PA14 to program an stm32g031. Can I use these pin after the debug? If yes, do I have to modify some dedicated register (in addition to the GPIO registers) to use thiese pins as GPIO?