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Our R&D is developing LCD GUI product using QSPI memory and faced some noise issue.When certain image from QSPI memory is displaying, some noise lines is shown in certain area on the LCD. Please refer to the attached video.Any advise will be apprecia...
Our R&D team is trying to use more memory for GUI with STM32F469I.We found the way using QuadSPI interface from the document as below.Unfortunately, the hardware already has completed with parallel Nor Flash memory, S29GL128S-16MB.Is there any other ...
When we connect STM32L053R6T6 using STM32 ST-LINK Utility Version 4.20, it works normally.But when trying to connect it using STM32 ST-LINK Utility Version 4.50 as a latest version, it fails.Please refer to the attached files.Please let us know how t...
Hi, our R&D director, Mr. Lee, wants to get lwip stack including ping command source.Is it available?
Posted on June 11, 2014 at 08:57Our team is applying STM32F207IG to 800X480 Touch LCD product. To do this, we have purchased STM3220G-EVAL and succeeded in demonstration.Now we are trying to apply STemWin to our board with SSD1963 Driver. We achieve...