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Dear TouchGFX team, I am developing STM32L4R9 B/D includingDSI video mode LCD,PSRAM,OctoSPI Flash,and TouchGFX.Usually the device works well but sometimes it goes to "DMA2D_XferErrorCallback" handler.In SEM32DMA.cpp,static void DMA2D_XferErrorCallbac...
Dear TouchGFX team,I am developing STM32L4R9 B/D including DSI video mode LCD.PSRAMOctoSPI Flashetc..I use two frame buffer in internal SRAM and one animation storage buffer in PSRAM.setFrameBufferStartAddresses((void*)FRAME_BUFFER0, (void*)FRAME_BUF...
[Q1] I have 3 pages in a swipecontainer in my program. One of them is a watch face and when I swipe a page to this watch face page, the speed of animation is too slow. So I want to change the speed of animation faster. [Q2] And I want to get the curr...
Dear TouchGFX team,After I made 6 items for a scroll list, I made them to show 3 items on a sreen.When I dragged to the top, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd item showed as I expected. And when I dragged to the bottom, I expected the last 3 items ( 4th, 5th and ...
Dear All,I have tried to make the slide transition effect when a screen is changed to another screen. I set all "Interactions" in TouchGFX designer.Change screenTransition : SlideTransition Direction : Eastother setting are all good.But the screen tr...