The ADC interrupt handler is the same for any channel settings of given ADC. To know, which specific channel caused interrupt, your interrupt handler needs to analyze related ADC registers.
The bank of internal flash memory, which is busy with either write or erase, forces to pend (by the hardware) any accesses to this bank: either data read, data write, machine instruction fetch, and even DMA read or write.Counting the watchdog timeout...
FLASH_Erase_Sector() freeses all code execution until the sector is fully erased, including refresh the watchdog.Try to compare sector erase time versus timeout of the watchdog.
Sorry for missing significant detail: instead of open drain output, my project used SPI MISO.My project used AD7793 that has the same output pin DOUT/nRDY as SPI MISO and as "new sample is ready". Function DOUT of this pin demands configuring related...