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hi.. i am trying to use ble_p2pserver example in order to advertise and connect. I want the device to be in advertising mode still it connects to any client. so i have not registered event for ADV_Cancel. unfortunately, Advertising event is getting s...
Hi, i am trying to get familiar with stm32wb55 BLE functionality. As a part of it, i tried with Hear rate profile application example. when i run this application, i am able to pair with ST BLE Profiles mobile app successfully. How ever when i tried...
Hi, I am trying to get familiar with stm32cubemx usage. For this, i want to update an existing gpio toggle example using stm32cubemx. before the modification, the actual example code compiles and builds with out any issues. where as the same example ...
Hi ,I am trying to get quick start STM32WB55 Nucleo Board using low power application example. I tried to execute LPTIM example from Examples_LL folder (P-NUCLEO-WB55.Nucleo) in STM32Cube_FW_WB_V1.2.0. I followed the read me file to get the expected ...
Hi,I am a new to STM32WB55 Nucleo and have just started to understand it from the examples provided by the ST. In this process, I have observed unknown data format on hyper terminal. i tried with different baudrates and all the available UART library...