@Lavanya1 on the STM32F446RE the boot0 pin is not shared with some port pin so I think there is not the possibility to enable the internal pull up.at least I did not found it, I searched also on the graphical configuration tool but there isn't any po...
@EThom.3 BOOTVTAB->Reset_Handler();This instruction should point to Initial_SP + 4 bytes (0x1FFF0000 + 4 bytes) that should be correct.Anyway I tried to substitute the last two instructions with :void (*SysMemBootJump)(void);// Set up the jump to boo...
Hello all,I'm using the STM32F446RE nucleo board with STM32CubeIde and I would like to use the system bootloader by calling it from within the software.I implemented the code here suggested by some of you but it doesn't work.When the code reach the ...