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Hi, I ran the demo QRCode of on PC simulator  (24bit color depth), but it doesn't work, is there anybody can help me? Any hints will be appreciated !!!
Hi all, I deployed a gitlab-runner for my touchgfx repository on linux, it will build (compile) the project once I update my commit. However I can't find the command-line tools which used to generated source code ( xxxViewBase.hpp, xxxViewBase.cpp ) ...
Hi, I am trying to draw a sine wave, but just confused that how to specify the width and height, particularly for the setRange() functions, the graphic it draws are not I expected, sometime too small, sometime draw nothing. My Demo Screen is 800 * 4...
Assuming the height of the drawable object is H (getHeight()), and the height of text is TH (getTextHeight()), how to figure out the correct y value of the text object ??I tried (getHeight() - text.getTextHeight() - text.getTypedText().getFont->getSp...
Hi all, I am making a custom Clock widget named DigitalTime for Chinese, its format always like this : 12月12 周一 12:30 Of course I reused part of the demo software and then run the demo, but the text can display correctly (font is...