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Im currently working on stm32f103r8. Now i need to interface the adx345 through SPI in stm32 also i coded for this,issue im getting here is when the simulation is running the SS is not getting low it is always in high state.please notify my mistakes...
I coded for usart communication in stm32f103r8.In this i'm getting the garbage value as output.given below is my program,kindly help me to correct my program.****#include "stm32f10x.h"#include "stm32f10x_usart.h"void usartSetup (void);int SendChar ()...
programmed in IAR, for debugging im using stm32-utility,in this when i try to connect the target it shows can not connect to the target.What i did in this is 1.connected the jtag pins with respective.2.power supply 3.3v3.NRST is high4.BOOT0 is high
#include "stm32f10x.h"void init();void Timer_delay();void main(){ init(); Timer_delay(); while(1) {  while(TIM3->SR & 0x0001)/*Check the TIM3 update interrupt occurs or not*/  TIM3->SR = 0x0000;/*Remove TIMx update interrupt flag */   GPIOA->BSRR^=0X...